The Vitalizer Plus transforms drinking water into structured, oxygenated and mineralized water.
The Vitalizer Plus is inspired by the natural principles found in nature to revitalize drinking water while making it more beneficial and easily absorbable by our body and by our cells.
The Vitalizer Plus transforms drinking water into structured, oxygenated and mineralized water.
The Vitalizer Plus is inspired by the natural principles found in nature to revitalize drinking water while making it more beneficial and easily absorbable by our body and by our cells.
Water, in
The Vitalizer Plus uses those same natural principles to offer you revitalized water in your own home.
The Vitalizer Plus restores the natural properties of water, making it structured and alive, to bring beneficial nutrients that enhance the internal balance of your body!
How does the Vitalizer Plus work?
Simply plug the Vitalizer Plus into an electrical outlet and chose one of the three settings (9, 18, or 27 minutes) to revitalize your water.
The mineral cube at the bottom of the pitcher remineralizes the water while increasing the pH by 1 to 1.5 points. Water treated by reverse osmosis with a pH of 5 to 5.5 will increase to a pH of about 7 or neutral, while tap water or spring water with a pH of 7 will become alkaline with a pH of 8 or 8.5.
Warning - The Vitalizer Plus is not a water purifier and does not have filtration capacities. If you are using tap water, it is preferable to filter it or to let the chlorine evaporate from it for a couple of hours before pouring it into the pitcher.
We strongly recommend you to use the Vitalizer Plus with a BERKEY® Water Purifier, for an ultimate winning combination.
Vitalizer Plus
Uses of revitalized water
Explosion vs. implosion
This is the same principle produced in the water with the Vitalizer Plus. The magnets located at the bottom of the machine make the spinner located at the bottom of the pitcher turn, creating a vortexing movement in the water. The concentration of energy is so strong at the center of the vortex that it causes large destructured water clusters to implode.
Once the molecules are dissociated from one another by the strength of the implosion, the H2O molecules will naturally reorganize themselves and link together again in a perfectly balanced structure, creating hexagonal and
Condition: new
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